Difference Between Block printing and Screen printing

The Difference Between Hand Block Printing And Screen Printing
          Both hand block printing and screen printing are used to print fabric with different tools, techniques, design, colours, etc...but both prints are don't have common techniques for printing design on cloth. but we don't know about some techniques and process of both block printing and screen printing we all have consider those printing can be same but there are lots of difference between in hand block printing and screen printing. 

Here I will explain to you about both the printings and their techniques and process. we will cover all the question about block printing and screen printing.  
Difference Between in Hand block printing and Screen Printing

Block printing
           Block printing is done in pure cotton fabric with many washing processes depending upon the techniques of block printings ...their washing techniques and all the procedure they do are purely natural. This done by different villagers with their own techniques and block printing from many generations or we can say from 300 years or more and now their generation or children wish to keep those block printings techniques more creative. 
  • They used natural colour to dye and for printing the fabric.
  • They used blocks which made up of box, lime, holly, sycamore, plane or pearwood.
  • then blocks are made according to size and design and they trace the design.
  • Then they do carving on wooden blocks according to design.
  • The pure cotton fabric used for block printing.
  • Washing clothes with hands and feet so that the messy is completely removed.
  • Also used natural dye colour to dying clothes and for printing design on fabric.
  • natural colours are from Yellow from turmeric and buttermilk, Green from banana leaves, Black from Iron rust, Blue from Indigo plant, Red from Sugarcane and sunflower, Purple from Kirmiz insect.
  • After printing on the fabric they deep in the container to fix the colour and dry it in the sunlight.
So, the whole process is natural it might be time-consuming but no chemical is used in this whole process of block printing and the wastewater is thrown out but this wastewater doesn't harm the environment. 

Screen printing
     Screen printing is done in silk, cotton, etc and the first fabric is prepared for washing and bleaching. some fabric has to stretch and straightening to fix it in the wooden frame. 
  •  Inks
  • Distilled water for diluting inks 
  • A rubber for screen printing (you can even use a window cleaner)
  •  A thick fabric or paper to print your design onto the fabric.
  • A hairdryer for drying your work.
  •  Adhesive spray to hold your fabric in place on your work surface.  
  • They used a wooden frame to fix fabric for print
 In this whole process, the inks are used so, it can harm the environment has inks are chemical-based. 

How block prints and screenprint look like?
         Block printings and designs are the same but how do we recognize both the prints while buying the fabric?

                          Image 1                                                             Image 2
In image 1: you can look at the design, the colour of the design is comes out of lines it just because the printing had done is the handwork and natural. 

In image 2: you can look at the design, the colour of the designs is perfectly printed on the fabric it just because the printing is done upon the screen which will not spread or don't go out of the line.


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